Is Tug of War Bad for Dogs?


As a dog parent, you want your pooch to have fun. A game of tug sounds just perfect for you to spend some quality time together.

But does tug of war make dogs aggressive?

Tug of war has been a favorite with dogs for a long time. It is a great way to tire out your dog physically and mentally.

While this is true, many members of the pet community believe that it encourages aggression.

So is tug-of-war bad for dogs?

This blog answers all your tug concerns.

Benefits of playing tug with your dog

There are several reasons why tug-of-war is a favorite game with dogs.

Tug of war burns off excess energy

Tug of war stimulates your dog mentally and physically.

While he is pulling at the toy in your hand with all his might, his mind is completely focused on the game. This is a great way to tire out your boisterous pooch and burn off all that excess energy.

When Fido is happy and tired from the game, all he will want is to relax and sleep. This also helps in curbing destructive behavior.

It strengthens your bond with your dog

Your pooch enjoys his daily walks, but he also craves some one-on-one time with his hooman.

What sounds better than a fun afternoon spent playing tug?

Playing tug together lets you develop a stronger bond with your dog. You can shower him with all the attention he wants and also teach him to play safely. When Fido brings the toy back to you after you let him win, he also learns to trust you more.

It helps build confidence

If your pooch is shy and gets nervous easily, then playing tug of war with him can give a major boost to his confidence.

Engaging in a game of tug directs his focus to you and the toy in your hands. This distracts him from the source of the nervousness and helps him be more confident in his surroundings.

Tug of war also helps your shy pup open up while playing with other dogs. Since he knows and enjoys the game with you, he will also love to play it with his other furry friends.

Tug of war can be helpful during training

Your dog loves to play tug of war. You can use his favorite game as a high-value reward during training. Treat Fido with a short session of tug-of-war after a successful round of obedience training.

Tug of war can also be used to teach impulse control.

When you let your pooch win the game, his first impulse is to run away with his prize. Train him to drop the toy or bring it back to you after he wins the round. Reward him with his favorite treats when he listens. As he starts trusting you more, he will look to you for direction first instead of following his impulses.

Does tug of war make dogs aggressive?


As a dog parent, you might be worried that playing tug of war can make your pooch aggressive and dominant. This isn’t true.

Tug of war is an excellent game to teach Fido about controlling his excitement and playing in pairs. If you teach him the right way, he will be a happy and confident pup who loves to play with his hooman. This will also help him learn to play respectfully with other dogs.

Is tug of war bad for puppies?

dog playing with rope

If you have a young puppy, his jaws and teeth are still developing.

A rough game of tug can hurt his mouth. It may also lead to complications when he is a grown-up dog. You might want to be careful while playing tug with your energetic pooch.

While you cannot engage him in a fully-fledged tug of war, you can play a milder version of the game to curb bad habits.

Use the tug of war toy to redirect his attention from biting the furniture, nipping your hands, or any other destructive behavior. Once your puppy is distracted, play with him gently and stop before the game gets rough.

Tips for playing tug games with your dog

  • Pull the toy using gentle side-to-side movement. Jerking it up and down during a rough game of tug can hurt Fido’s spine.
  • Use long rope-like toys for playing tug of war. The length helps in avoiding any accidental nips and bites, in case Fido gets too excited. This also allows more space for pulling from both sides.
  • Take breaks during your play session to redirect your dog’s focus. Use these breaks for other activities, such as practicing obedience commands and playing peek-a-boo with treats. Get back to playing tug when the game is done. This makes sure that Fido does not get obsessed with one toy. He also gets better mental stimulation.
  • Play tug of war only when your pup is completely healthy. If you have an older dog with dysplasia, arthritis, or dental problems, you should pick a game that is gentler and more suitable for their needs.
  • End the game before it gets too rough. If Fido bites or hurts you in excitement, stop the game immediately and take away the toy. This helps in preventing accidents the next time, and your pup learns that the game ends if he tries to take control.


Tug of war is a popular game and has long been a favorite with dogs everywhere. Not only is it super fun, but it is also a great way for you to bond with your pooch. You can use it to build your pup’s confidence and during training as a high-value treat.

However, a common belief in the pet community is that tug of war can make dogs aggressive. This is not true. While the tug of war is not suitable for young puppies and senior dogs, it is perfectly fine if you have a boisterous healthy pooch who loves to play with his hooman.

Liza Rollins
Liza Rollins

Liza is an experienced animal vet and copywriter who has been in veterinary practice for the last 6 years. Liza worked as a laywer before finding here passion as a vet. Liza has also been offering behavioral counseling for problems for dogs and their owners. Liza is also an experienced groomer and pet sitter.

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