Why Does My Dog Whine When Playing With Toys?


What was that sound? Was that a whine?

But your puppy is playing with his favorite toy. Is he okay?

As a pet parent, it’s super-important for you to stay attuned to all your puppy’s needs and moods. So when you hear your dog whining with a toy in his mouth, you’re bound to get worried.

While the first thought that comes to mind is that Fido might be in pain, several other possible reasons could be making him whine.

Read this blog to find out more about why your dog whines when playing with toys.

What are the reasons for this behavior?

Have you found yourself thinking, “I wish my dog could talk?”

According to the American Kennel Club, dogs communicate by using body language and vocalizations. For example, if your dog whines while playing with a toy, it could be their way of expressing their emotions.

Here are some possible reasons for this behavior:

  • Asking for your attention
  • Being possessive of the toy
  • Might be in pain
  • Wants to bury the toy

Asking for your attention

Puppies love spending time with their hooman. When you give him his favorite toy, he might want to include you in the game. Whining may be his way of asking for your attention and inviting you to play with him.

Being possessive of the toy

Dogs often become attached to a particular toy and do not want to give it away.

If your puppy whines when you approach him while he is playing, he might be doing it to stop you from taking his precious item. If he resists when you try to take it away, he is showing signs of possessiveness.

Might be in pain

If you notice your dog whining while chewing the toy, he might be in pain. Other signs of discomfort, such as whining while chewing food or refusing to eat certain foods could mean that he is experiencing pain in his gums or jaw.

If he is rubbing his paws or flailing on the floor, the pain might be somewhere else.

Wants to bury the toy

Dogs have an inherent instinct to bury things. This includes new and favorite things such as bones, toys, newspapers, slippers, and just about anything that catches Fido’s fancy.

If your pooch starts whining and looks around in confusion with the toy in his mouth, he might be looking for the best place to hide it. The whining could be because of the excitement of having the toy or the stress of finding a suitable hiding spot.

But wait, there’s more…

In some cases, your dog might have a different reason for whining.

When your dog is whining while playing with a squeaky toy

In the past, certain dog breeds were trained to catch small animals like rabbits and mice in the fields or while hunting. Your puppy now lives in your home, but he may be showing breed-specific behavior when it comes to small objects that make squeaky sounds.

If Fido whines at his squeaky toy or while playing with it, he may be doing this out of excitement or enjoyment. He could also be mimicking the squeaky noises coming out of the toy.

When your female dog is whining while carrying a toy

Female dogs have a strong mothering instinct that is triggered by hormones. If your puppy has not been spayed, her body might be showing signs of false pregnancy. This happens after she has gone through her heat without mating.

Mother dogs carry their young puppies in their mouth. Your pooch may have developed a similar attachment with her toy and is whining while carrying it around in her mouth.

How do I control this behavior?

In most cases, dogs whine to show excitement or enjoyment while playing. If your pooch is expressing himself vocally, it is okay to just let him be.

If the excessive whining starts to bother you or is accompanied by other signs of bad behavior, you can use the following methods to control it.

Teach the ‘drop it’ command

If your puppy is becoming possessive of his toy, teach him to ‘drop it.’

When Fido has the toy in his mouth, place his favorite treat in your palm and hold it out in front of him. When he drops the toy to get the treat, say, “Drop it!” Put away the toy for some time so that he knows that the game has ended.

Reward good behavior

When your dog is whining while chewing his toy, call his name to catch his attention. When he stops whining, reward him with praises and treats for staying quiet. Continue showing your appreciation whenever you catch him playing quietly. This will soon become a habit.

Take away the toy

If Fido is showing strong signs of possessiveness such as growling, pulling, or running away when you come to take his toy, it might be time to put it away for some days. You can also do this if your pooch gets too vocal with a certain toy.

Giving him a break for a few days can help him forget these habits.

Visit the vet

You will know if your pet looks like he is in pain. If he continues to whine in discomfort even when he is not playing, book an appointment with the vet to find out what is wrong.

In short:

Being a pet parent is a full-time job. You have to keep a constant check on what your pooch is up to. So when you hear him whine while he plays with his toy, you may get alarmed.

Whining is a way for your pup to communicate how he is feeling. He may be excited, stressed, or want your attention. He could also simply be enjoying his toy.

As long as the behavior is harmless, you should let him be his adorable self. However, if there are any signs of pain or discomfort, a visit to the vet’s clinic will help you get to the root of the problem.

Liza Rollins
Liza Rollins

Liza is an experienced animal vet and copywriter who has been in veterinary practice for the last 6 years. Liza worked as a laywer before finding here passion as a vet. Liza has also been offering behavioral counseling for problems for dogs and their owners. Liza is also an experienced groomer and pet sitter.

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